Our board members are dedicated leaders committed to strengthening our community. In this section, you'll learn more about what inspires Amy to serve on the United Way of Reno County board and her vision for the future of our organization.
What motivates you to serve on the board of United Way of Reno County?
I love being a part of a mission that makes a positive impact in our community and the people who live here.
What’s one local cause or issue in Reno County that you're particularly passionate about?
It is difficult to pick one area because I feel UWRC is all about people. Local People. And I love that. I’m passionate about helping people thrive, improve, move forward, get better, grow…and that can be so many different areas for so many different people. Whatever it takes.
What do you believe is the biggest impact that United Way can have in our community?
Working together. Bringing together everyone’s skill set and making it useful in the most efficient and impactful way possible.
What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday in Reno County?
Starting with coffee on the back patio, doing a few chores around the house, then off to a fun lunch with friends/family, followed by walking downtown to several of the fun boutiques and shops then later that evening a great relaxing dinner with a glass of wine with people I love.
What’s a moment or experience during your time with United Way that has left a lasting impression on you?
It’s the personal stories that get me every time. I have been involved in so many events and have attended tons of fundraisers but when a person speaks from their heart on how UW has helped them, it is the best moment ever. I feel so thankful to be a part of an organization that changes lives daily.
How do you like to give back to your community outside of your role with United Way?
There are so many giving organizations in our community. That is what makes our town such an amazing place to live. It has been a joy for me to be a part in one way or another to several of these organizations over the years. Whether it be my time or money, I love helping people.