Our board members are dedicated leaders committed to strengthening our community. In this section, you'll learn more about what inspires Cheri to serve on the United Way of Reno County board and her vision for the future of our organization.
What motivates you to serve on the board of United Way of Reno County?
The impact that can be made throughout the community by giving to just one organization who is able to identify where funds are needed the most and allocate funds to those non-profits.
What’s one local cause or issue in Reno County that you're particularly passionate about?
Providing hope to those in need. I think the HUB solves for this. A person who is in such need is often overwhelmed by the thought of reaching out to so many different entities that they don’t know how to get started, so in many cases they don’t ask for help.
What do you believe is the biggest impact that United Way can have in our community?
Again, providing education and resources to individuals in need. Also, having educated and informed individuals serve on allocations committee to ensure that donations are distributed in the best way possible.
What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday in Reno County?
Fun question. My number one is always to spend time with family regardless of what we are doing. I also love to shop the local boutiques, or grab a coffee or other beverage and enjoy good conversation.
What’s a moment or experience during your time with United Way that has left a lasting impression on you?
I would say hearing from the members of the United Way team that have been personally impacted and are now so passionate about helping others. ALICE families. When we went through an exercise earlier this year or last to see if any of the board members would have been considered an ALICE family when they were growing up, several including myself would have been. That definitely caused me to take pause. I know good people can fall on bad times without any fault on their part. Taking away that stigma of being “lesser” is so important to mental and emotional health.
How do you like to give back to your community outside of your role with United Way?
Financially, I prefer to give quietly to those in need. I also give financially to U.S. and worldwide causes as needs arise. My favorite way to give back is by helping others and sharing acts of kindness. <3